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My brand is too international, I need some local flavour!

You are not the only one who sees things this way. What is a great campaign created by the HQ good for if it doesn't resonate with your local audience?

Generalidigital, integrated, pr

Inventing new formats within an international narrative is a great way to create local flavours that forge stronger connections to local customers.

UPC films

Almost every day, we read stories about the negative impacts of internet and social media have on our lives. But what about the joy, the connections, and the new, interesting stuff that it brings us? That's what UPC is all about, whether on the international stage or in the smallest Hungarian villages.

A series of more than 30 commercials over a period of five years strengthened UPC's market leading position as an internet+TV+phone provider.

LogMeIn prints, online

This was one of the very few occasions when a Hungarian start-up became an international IT giant and needed to add some international flavour to its local narrative.

GoTo digital

Then the start-up-become-IT-giant changed its name and narrative and needed to add some local flavour back to its now international position.

previously on

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