In Cluso you will have the perfect partner when it comes to an EU or international brand expansion – all European markets and every other major one has a Cluso affiliate in place.
There is nothing really more exciting than that.
Because this is the situation when the right brand strategy paired with the right communication can make the difference – just like in the following cases.
All brands can get tired and dusty after a while but a refreshed tonality or a revised brand idea can work wonders, like for these 50 and 100 years old brands.
If you can make people smile, they tend to like you better.
Humour is a great way to connect with your customers – but it has to be in line with the overall tonality of your brand.
You are not the only one who see this the same way – what is a great campaign created by the HQ good for if it doesn't resonate with your local audience?
After the pandemic is before the pandemic. You can't be prepared for everything, but you can make the best out of a troubled situation and still grow your brand.